Kol Tikvah

February 7, 2025 ()

Mitzvah Day

Join us as we participate in Social Action as a community. Mitzvah Day is an opportunity for everyone at Kol Tikvah (from our Religious School students to our Renaissance Group) to work together to organize six meaningful service projects to benefit our local community:

  1. LA Family Housing – Providing critical services, shelter, and housing to individuals and families transitioning out of homelessness in Los Angeles.
  2. Sharsheret – Supporting Jewish women and families facing breast and ovarian cancer with resources, education, and personal support.
  3. Many Mansions & HOPE – Partnering to provide transitional housing and supportive services for those moving out of homelessness, with a new complex opening in Ventura County.
  4. Providence Cedars-Sinai Tarzana Medical Center Pediatric Unit – Bringing comfort and care to children during their hospital stays through donations of toys, books, and supplies.
  5. West Valley Food Pantry – Feeding those in need by distributing groceries and essential items to individuals and families facing food insecurity.
  6. Ivy Park Assisted Living – Bringing joy to the elderly residents through donations of personal care items, entertainment, and meaningful interactions.

We are collecting donations for these organizations and have created an Amazon Wish List where you can purchase items that will either be sent directly to the temple or to your home. If you choose to have items delivered to your home, please bring them to the temple and place them in our Mitzvah Day Collection Box no later than Sunday, October 20th .

Collection Deadline: We will be accepting donations through Mitzvah Day on November 3.

We especially encourage families with Religious School children to participate and have the children BRING in the donated items during the Sukkot Community Celebration or during Religious School, so the children can have hands-on experience in helping others, making the mitzvah even more meaningful for them.