At our core there resides a single idea… simcha… joy…
Kol Tikvah is a special place. Despite the challenges of the pandemic, our temple continues to be a resilient, creative, and consistent resource for all of us. We feel the simcha (joy) as we gather in person, while still maintaining our strong online presence for those who remain at home. Being inclusive and accessible is one of our top priorities.
Belonging to Kol Tikvah reminds us all that when you give to the temple, you are giving to both a spiritual organization and a charity that provides assistance to the local Jewish community as well as all our own congregants.
Your annual congregational commitment goes so far and touches so many.
Here are just a few examples of how your commitment dollars are utilized each year:
Adult Education Speaker Series
Writers’ Workshops
B’nai Mitzvah Revolution
Hebrew Through Movement
Religious School Financial Assistance
Book Club
Yad b’Yad B’nai Mitzvah Program
Tikkun Olam
Feeding the Unhoused
Sending Aid to Those in Need
Providing Tzedakah & Partnership to organizations including West Valley Food Pantry, Best Friends Animal Society, and LA Family Housing
Mitzvah Day
Tzedakah Teens
L’Taken Teen Seminar in Washington, DC
Social Justice Trip with Wise
Community & Engagement
Clergy availability 24/7 to visit the ill, comfort families during times of mourning, and celebrate life’s simchas
Senior Outreach & Renaissance Group
Community Holiday Celebrations
Caring Committee
Kol Tikvah Temple Youth (KTTY)
All Ages Local Field Trips
Kol Tikvah Choir
We are a modern progressive Reform Jewish community. Kol Tikvah is a member of the Union for Reform Judaism and opens its doors to families of all types – Traditional, LGBTQ, Interfaith, and Dual Faith. We connect congregants to a community that cares for one another.
From the moment you walk through our doors, you will be treated like a welcomed member of the family.