Kol Tikvah

January 24, 2025 ()

Yad b’Yad Program

Are you in a panic because your child is approaching B’nai Mitzvah and hasn’t begun their studies?

Don’t worry, we have the solution —

Kol Tikvah’s

Yad b’Yad Individualized B’nai Mitzvah Program


Your child just turned 12… now what?

So often, people come to us just as their child turns 12 and say, “Rabbi, Cantor, we want our child to have a B’nai Mitzvah. Is it too late?” After having been told by too many synagogues that their child would have to be part of their Religious School for three or four years prior to having a ceremony, they are always thrilled by our response, “Give us six months and we will prepare your child for their special day.” 

Families are so busy in today’s world. Often, the big ideas that are most important to them are pushed to the side in order to focus on day-to-day concerns. Between job responsibilities and family responsibilities, time passes too quickly. Let us help you catch up! 


What We Provide:

Our goal is to provide the Bar or Bat Mitzvah student with the best experience possibly. Ecery student achieves per their own personal abilities and every child can personalize their service to suit their creative instincts. Our basic package includes:

  • Twenty-four study sessions either in person or on Zoom with Cantorial Soloist Joel Stein
  • Six study sessions either in person or on Zoom with Rabbi Jon Hanish
  • Clergy to assist your child with leading their Bar or Bat Mitzvah Service 
  • Family meetings to discuss the importance of the Bar and Bat Mitzvah Experience 

Our Freebies:

As a participant in our Yad b’Yad B’nai Mitzvah Program, we offer the following complimentary services to you during the period your child is preparing for their B’nai Mitzvah. These offerings are best suited to those living in the West Valley of Los Angeles. 

  • Teen Tuesday — a program for 7th to 9th graders 
  • Sanctuary for three hours on the day of the B’nai Mitzvah service (including security and maintenance personnel)
  • High Holy Day Tickets for two adults and two children 
  • A community!