Kol Tikvah

February 7, 2025 ()

Giving From The Heart

A short reflection on Vayak’heil (Exodus 35:1- 38:20)

Tomorrow night is our gala where we will be honoring two very special couples, Terri and Rob Mulein and Laura and Glenn Rabney. When I think of people who know how to give from their hearts, it is the four of them. They have been a true  example of volunteerism to our community. Perhaps, they’ve spent some time studying this week’s Torah portion in their younger days. 

Giving is a major idea in Vayak’heil. We are taught that God requested materials for the building of the mishkan, the portable sanctuary that was God’s dwelling place as the Israelites wandered for 40 years through the desert. In those days, there was no Home Depot so when something needed to be built gifts were requested. So, God asked the Israelites to give gifts so that construction could begin. But, not everyone was asked… the Torah teaches that God turned to….

  • Every man whose heart stirred him 
  • Everyone whom God’s spirit made willing
  • Every willing heart
  • Every wise hearted woman and…
  • Every man or woman whose heart moved them.

We are taught that gifts were meant to come from the wise, the willing and the spiritual. A gift was not wanted if the person was giving it in order to one up a neighbor or in hopes of garnering favor with God, Moses or a tribal leader. 

And, do you know what happened? There were a lot of wise, willing, and spiritual Israelites.  So many gifts were brought that Moses had to tell them to stop bringing them. The idea of giving without expecting a reward is found throughout Judaism and is seen in the generosity of congregants when it comes to supporting a temple or synagogue. 

But what of those that had nothing? The great commentator Malbim (1809-1879) wrote, “All these gifts were not the chief thing in the eyes of God, since it is the heart that the Almighty demands…  If there were found needy people in Israel who contributed nothing materially, but nevertheless gave their hearts, making a mental reservation, that if they would have the means, they would give it to build the whole Tabernacle and all its vessels.” The idea of giving is not focused on “how much” but on your heart’s intent and the knowledge that when you are able to give, you will. 

While God might not live in a physical structure inviting us over for dinner and a good talk when needed, God can be present on this earth through the actions we take to help our fellow human beings.  Our gifts and acts are only holy if we do them without a focus on reward. Let’s remember to give to others with full hearts regardless of what we might receive in return…. Just like the Rabneys and the Muleins!


  • Moses teaches the rules of Shabbat. (35:1-3)
  • Moses asks the Israelites for a donation of gifts and those who are skilled help build the Mishkan [Tabernacle] under the direction of Bezalel and Oholiab. (35:4-38:20)

For more on this week’s Torah Portion from the URJ go to: https://reformjudaism.org/torah/portion/vayakheil