Kol Tikvah

January 24, 2025 ()

The Passing of the Torch

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It was in the wilderness of Zin where Moses took an action that determined his fate. While mourning the death of his sister, he struck a rock instead of speaking to it thereby disobeying God’s command. While it still brought forth water, God determined that Moses’ act of anger needed to be punished, he would not be allowed to enter the promised land. Moses did not react to God’s words. He was strangely silent.

In this week’s Torah portion, Pinchas, God reminds Moses of his punishment. But, this time Moses speaks up. You would expect him to beg for a chance to complete his journey. He has invested over 40 years serving the community. That’s quite a political career. Instead he says, “Let the Eternal One… appoint an envoy to the community who shall go out before them and come in before them… so that the Eternal’s community may not be like sheep that have no shepherd.” In other words, Moses reminds God that a successor needs to be named for the sake and safety of the people. He realizes that his leadership is soon to end, and that the people will need a leader to replace him. 

Moses has come to the realization that he is not the right choice for continued leadership. He has done a great job. His efforts place him on the top ten list of all time great Jewish leaders. But, everyone’s time of leadership must come to an end. He was not fighting God’s command. Instead, he was petitioning God for a young leader to pick up the reins he could no longer manage. 

God then singled out Joshua son of Nun, a younger, more vibrant visionary who spent decades learning from Moses the skills it would take to lead the Israelites into Canaan. God even tells Moses to “invest him with some of your authority, so that the whole Israelite community may obey.” God was telling Moses to endorse Joshua. Moses did just that. 

Every generation deserves a leader like Moses, someone who understands that no matter how much he or she wishes to continue in their leadership role, that a moment arises when the torch must be passed. And when that moment arises, they appoint a person who has been by their side, someone who understands the journey and their role in continuing it. They place power in the hands of this future leader,  a leader who will place the needs of the next generation over their own wants and desires. The elder leader then prays that their legacy of doing what is right continues.

Do you know where we might find a modern day Moses and Joshua? Just asking….  



  • Pinchas is rewarded for killing the Israelite and the Midianite woman who cursed God. (25:10–15)
  • Israel fights a war against the Midianites. (25:16-18)
  • A second census is taken. (26:1–65)
  • The daughters of Zelophehad force a change in the laws of property inheritance. (27:1–11)
  • Joshua is chosen to be Moses’ successor. (27:15–23)
  • The sacrificial ritual for all festival occasions is described in detail. (28:1–30:1)

For more information on this Torah portion go to: 
