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A Teen-Led Philanthropic Program 8th-12th Graders


Program made possible with a grant from the Ziering Family Foundation of the Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles

Mission Statement

The 2024 Tzedakah Teens seek to raise money to increase voter turnout and combat voter suppression by promoting the education of current and future voters.

The organization the Tzedakah Teens chose this year has been voted upon:

They have decided on California Common Cause. 

Here is their website for your reference. 

Click HERE to watch our Tzedakah Teens pitch on their cause, and click HERE to donate to their philanthropy project! 

What is Tzedakah Teens?

Through innovative and inspiring sessions, teens will examine the values motivating Jewish philanthropy. Teens will form their own philanthropic organization to select a social justice need and worthy non-profit for raising money. The program culminates with a Sabbath service and banquet with a check presentation ceremony to the chosen non-profit at the end of the school year on Friday, May 24, 2024.

Why Statement

As our generation is approaching the age where we obtain the right to vote, the Tzedakah Teens are aware now more than ever of the issues surrounding voter suppression and lack of voter turnout. Our education has granted us insight into these injustices, while many Americans across the country do not have the proper education and accessibility to vote. As we approach a crucial presidential election year, the leaders of our country will make a plethora of important decisions that will affect our lives now and in the future. Every person regardless of age or background should have a say in these decisions. Despite this, in 2020, 80 million people who were eligible to vote did not vote. Voter suppression and inequities remain a huge problem, as gerrymandering is legal in 28 states and millions are disenfranchised from voting.  Because of this, the Tzedakah Teens are on a mission to combat voter impression and elevate voter turnout by educating and engaging the community, empowering citizens, and dismantling barriers to democracy. In this year's presidential election, all Americans should have the opportunity to share their voices. by focusing on these issues, we can work to create a more equal and fair future for Americans, where all voices are represented and heard in our democratic process. Without the voice of each and every American, the state of our democracy is at risk.

Tzedakah Teens in Action

Click the donate button to help our teens achieve their fundraising goal for this year.


Upcoming Fundraisers!

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784